Redeemer Fellowship was born in 2007 when two local churches, after much prayer and planning, decided to disband and reconstitute as a new church in St. Charles, IL.

This is the short story of what God has done.


In 1953, a group of Christians were sent out from Larkin Ave. Baptist Church in Elgin to plant First Baptist Church of St. Charles. Over the decades, FBC St. Charles worked hard to make disciples and faithfully preach the gospel both locally and abroad. In 2000, they sent out a small group of members to start a new church in Elburn, Illinois. In 2002, Grace Baptist Church began gathering for worship and by 2004 was a self-sustaining work.

By 2006, both the parent church and her young daughter church needed to address issues related to each church’s vision, method for making disciples and presence in the larger community. Over the course of a year both congregations decided to come together as one, functioning as a gospel-centered, missional church that replicates itself through church planting. 

On May 20th of 2007, Redeemer Fellowship was planted.