Journey Kids Nursery Care
We have two fully-staffed nurseries for our nursery-aged kids each Sunday—one for infants and those just beginning to walk, and one for toddlers. These are available at both our 9:00 service and our 11:00 service.
Journey Kids Classes
We offer two classes for elementary-aged students—one for children from five years old through first grade, and one for children in second through fifth grade.
Children five years old through fifth grade sit with their parents and will be dismissed part way through each service for a time of worship together, a bible lesson, and snack time.
Helpful Documents
Journey Kids Policy Manual (PDF; 203k)
Version 1.0 | Revised May 2019
Additional Journey Kids Resources
Long Story Short, Old Story New, The Ology
by Marty Machowski
Proof Pirates
by Lindsey Blair, Timothy Paul Jones, Jonah Sage
Training Hearts Teaching Minds
by Starr Meade
My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts
by Susan Hunt (ages 3 and up)
Leading Little Ones To God
by Marian Schoolland (ages 5 and up)
Big Truths for Young Hearts:
Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God
by Bruce A. Ware (ages 10 and up)