Fall Book Study
If you are interested in looking at Job's experience and learning about God's providence in loss and suffering, please join our eight-week study on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. beginning on November 3 at the church building. We will be using Nancy Guthrie’s book Holding On To Hope.
Please register by October 23 so that we can order books. Cost of the book will be $5.00.
Lending Library
We now have a small selection of books available that you can borrow and return. To check out a book, simply fill out your information on the slip of paper found in each book (individualized for each book) and put the paper into the check-out basket.
We are also accepting donations of books to place in the library. Please see Heidi Malcolm if you have books you would like to donate.
Contact Us
Please use the form below to communicate with the women’s ministry team. If you are not on our email list, please let us know and we’ll make sure to add you.