
In a two-service congregation, too often divided by age and stage of life, our Men’s Ministry is an opportunity to build friendships and grow spiritually with other men in our church.

Men thrive by doing things together—whether that is serving together, sharing around good food, studying and learning together. Check out the unique opportunities below, and see where you can grow spiritually and in friendship with other men.


Monthly Breakfast

Join us on the second Saturday of each month from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m., at our church building.

Come for a great breakfast, solid teaching, and to share fellowship and discussion with the men at your table. Suggested donation for the breakfast is $10.00 to offset the cost of the meal.

Our next breakfast will be held Saturday, July 13. Oliver Bujdei will be speaking on “Vengeance.”


S.W.A.T. Teams
(Servants with a Toolbox)

This is a men’s service ministry to widows, single parents, and the elderly for minor home repairs and assistance around the house that normally fall to the man, and are often neglected when life is busy and there is no man in the house.

Download the S.W.A.T. Service Request Form here (PDF; 140k)

When completed, please submit this form to

Click above to join one of our S.W.A.T. teams.

James 1:27 and I Timothy 5 specifically tell us to serve those in the church who have such needs. Your participation is on an "as available" basis. And, the T-shirt is free.