Journey Kids Nursery Care
We have three fully-staffed nurseries for our infants each Sunday—one for infants, one for those just beginning to walk, and one for toddlers. These are available at all three services: 8:00, 9:45, and 11:30.
Journey Kids Classes
There are three age-appropriate classes offered for older children: one class for ages four and five, one class for age six through second grade, and one class for third through fifth grade. The children are dismissed part way through our 9:45 and 11:30 services (our 8:00 service only has childcare for infants and toddlers). They then have a time of worship together, a bible lesson, a craft, and snack time.
2019 Vacation Bible School
Space Probe
This year, we'll help propel your young astronauts to new dimensions in their relationship with God as they learn bible lessons from the book of Genesis to discover the wonder of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Helpful Documents
Journey Kids Policy Manual (PDF; 203k)
Version 1.0 | Revised May 2019